Transparent Series(Colors Under LED light)
Opaque Series(Colors Under LED light)
HD Picuture of Opaque Series Glass Color book(Google ablum):
Glass Gemstones Popular Colors:
Glass Popular colors Sample kits/Box (6mm round) for Sale: $10
For more pictures of the stones in this Box, please refer to the Google album. (Click this picture to the link)
Video of Shanghai Glass Color book (3 pages inside)
HD Picuture of Shanghai Glass Color book(Google ablum):
There're another version of Glass Gemstones color chart. (Transparent Series)
(The rough is produced by another rough manufacturer)
What is Hardened Glass Gemstone?
A: Glass is an amorphous form of silica (with various percentages of additives) that has been used as a gemstone for millennia.
Clear glass for gems is man-made, formed by fusing silica sand with various additives at temperatures of 1000+°C.
Natural glasses include obsidian, which is is a rapidly quenched lava, and closer to pure silica glasses, such as libyan desert glass.A unique man-made glass, although not often used in gems for obious reasons, is trinitite, a mildly radioactive glass formed from the fusing of sand by the detonation of the first atomic bomb in 1945.
Common glass has poor dispersion and refractive index, however it is very cheap to manufacture and is known in jewellery terms as paste - often backed with metal foils to increase brilliance.
Hardened Gemstones is the best stimulant for the CZ Stones, which the colors are beautiful, but are cheap for the Jewelry designs.
Contact us for the further information if you have questions.